Mythicism against religious intolerance (Greek Mythicists)



In January 2015, the Greek Mythicists publicly declared their horror for the murders of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper employees in Paris, intended as a blow against the freedom of expression in the heart of the French capital.

By Greek Mythicists

Eleven months later, the home of the Illustration received an even heavier blow, the mass murders of dozens of French citizens, perpetrated a few hours ago by Islamist extremists who, according to eyewitnesses, where shouting “God is great” as they shot at their defenceless victims. There is no doubt that this is yet another wound for the Western world, which after 9/11 is once again experiencing the sentiments of fear and terror at its doorstep. Naturally, we have to acknowledge the fact that the West has indeed been digging its own grave, by financing and supporting illegal organizations aimed at destroying secular states of the Orient during the last few decades. Now the hands they themselves have armed are turning against them in a most typical manner.

Mythisicm, on the other side, is neither a religious movement nor a political organization, nor even an organized group. In spite of that, all individuals and all groups involved in this investigation, agree that “the establishment of dogmas and the claims of a “unique truth”, which have been typical of monotheistic religions for centuries and which have often caused bloodsheds in mankind, is promoted in great part by blind faith in the acts of personages who apparently have never existed historically.”

From this viewpoint, the study and spreading of Mythicist ideas is not merely a field of investigation promoting scientific research, but an approach that may offer a fresh perspective to the course of the world’s religions (everyone is free to believe in the transcendent or not), eliminating violence and fanaticism between believers. Particularly in our days, when the Dark Middle Ages seem to be once again before our planet’s gates and everyone is seeking the generative causes of this situation exclusively in the field of politics.

Warm greetings and support to our colleagues of the Cercle Ernest Renan in Paris.

Greek Mythicists, 14/11/2015

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