Mythicist Milwaukee & King’s Tower Productions are going to produce a well-researched film about the Jesus myth theory that deliberately eliminates the flaws of past films (like that awful Zeitgeist thing) and pays attention to the best scholarship on the issue, while also introducing a lot of entertaining features as well as educational ones.
By Dr. Richard Carrier
They have a great plan. They have a great team. I and others will be vetting the end product. I highly recommend that you help them out by contributing to their IndieGogo campaign. The working title is Batman & Jesus. Their theme is to compare the evolution of mythology for both characters and use that as a springboard to explain how demigods come to exist and what they represent.
They have a detailed four minute appeal video here. Well worth watching, to see what their plans are, what they need, and how well they have thought this out.
They offer a lot of levels of support with varying benefits. So check out the options and help make this film happen!